Thursday, July 30, 2009

An Introduction

I have created this blog as an outsource where I can share fashion finds, trends, and the ever-so important cultural doings in both my city (Toronto), and around the world. I am a twenty-something university student in Toronto, always looking for fun and a new adventure. I hope that my thoughts and ideas will be well liked, or even highly criticized. As we all know, it's better to have bad press than no press at all.

Now, you may be scratching your head and trying to figure out why my blog sounds like an eccentric dessert served in some third world country. "à la mode" can mean several different things, including the most common ice cream on the side of a slice of pie. However, it also refers to something being contemporary, avant-garde, and/or keeping with current styles. I may not necessarily fit those certain guidelines, as styles are constantly being created, but you get the gist of my theme. The elephant part comes from a nickname given to me, which had nothing to do with body size but rather a misunderstood pronunciation of a name.

My start will be rocky, but I hope to slowly lower my Facebook time while increasing my time blogging.